
Abby Stowe

Pilates Instructor

Abby has more than 18 years of experience as a Certified Pilates Instructor graduating
from the esteemed training Program of Romana’s Pilates in New York City.
In 2018 Abby was introduced to Guy Voyer, DO and his incredible system for working with
fascia and mapping fascial chains of the body and prescribing exercise accordingly. This
system is called ELDOA. This French Acronym translates into English as LOADS:
Longitudinal Osteoarticular Decoaptation Stretching. Along with being a Level-4 Certified
ELDOA trainer Abby has completed many other courses under Guy Voyer’s Soma Training
Program. These include MFS, GPS, Segmental strengthening of Upper and Lower Limb,
Abdominals and Thoracic Diaphragm, The Squat and Posturology, and Proprioception. Her
continued training and studies in this system are a joy to her and source of continued
inspiration she loves sharing with her clients.
Applying these two synergistic modalities allows Abby’s clients to achieve the highest
quality of fitness and functionality. Working one-on-one allows progress to be tracked and

She has a deep interest and passion in helping her clients feel great in their bodies, and
to help prepare them for the demands of active, busy lives. A strong and connected body
allows for improved physical well-being which supports excellent mental performance.
This is an ancient belief incapsulated in the saying: A healthy mind in a healthy body.
Whether horseback riding, hiking, running a marathon, or sitting at a desk, our bodies
need to be ready, willing and able to meet the task(s) in front of us.
Abby lives in Manhattan with her husband and her adorable dog Tolo.

Want to book? Email her at