Pain vs Soreness

Pain and soreness are related sensations, but they have distinct characteristics and causes: 1.Pain: 2. Soreness: In summary, pain is a broader and more complex sensation associated with injury or illness, while soreness is a milder discomfort typically linked to physical activity and muscle fatigue. Understanding the difference between the two can help in identifying…

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Mobility vs. Flexibility

Mobility and flexibility are similar but different in the perspectives of how it relates to movement. . Mobility refers to the ability of a joint or body part to move through its full range of motion with control and stability. In other words, mobility is the combination of flexibility and strength. Good mobility enables you…

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How To Fix My Slouching?

You’ve probably either heard from others or experienced yourself that your shoulders are sitting forward followed by your neck; giving you this “hunchback” appearance. Though not always painful, spending too much time in a slouched position could cause one and/or each of the following:   Neck/shoulder pain secondary to postural changes Back pain Lightheadedness, dizziness…

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What is Schroth Method?

The Schroth Method is an evidence-based, therapeutic exercise treatment for Scoliosis, a spinal condition characterized by an S or C curvature of the spine in the coronal plane. Schroth has been validated to assist in Scoliosis curve reversal in children, either in concert with bracing or as a standalone treatment, depending on strict criteria. It…

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Is Knee Mobility Really Important?

The knee is a modified simple hinge joint, but it is far from simple. It is the largest joint in the human body and it connects the upper thigh to the lower leg allowing the lower leg to bend and extend. This is the simple part. What makes the knee more versatile is its rotational…

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Importance of Knee Movement

Why should you worry about your knee? The knee is a transitional point between the hip and the ankle. It is a hinge joint capable of flexion and extension (bending and straightening), as well as a small amount of internal and external rotation known as the “screw home mechanism.” This biomechanically refers to the 15…

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Should I Stretch or Strengthen for Back Pain?

If you search for ‘low back pain relief’ or “low back exercises’, you might find yourself in a never-ending vortex of proposed solutions, but no concrete answers. One of the more problematic concepts today is that certain things are “healthy.” Think of food fads – 10 years ago coconut water was the epitome of health,…

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