The Healing Touch: Enhancing Blood Flow Through Massage

    In our fast-paced modern lives, stress, sedentary lifestyles, and various health issues can negatively impact our blood circulation. Fortunately, one natural and effective way to improve blood flow is through the art of massage. This ancient healing technique not only relaxes the mind and body but also stimulates blood circulation, promoting overall well-being.…

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Pain vs Soreness

Pain and soreness are related sensations, but they have distinct characteristics and causes: 1.Pain: 2. Soreness: In summary, pain is a broader and more complex sensation associated with injury or illness, while soreness is a milder discomfort typically linked to physical activity and muscle fatigue. Understanding the difference between the two can help in identifying…

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How Do I Build Good Sleeping Habits?

Building good sleeping habits is essential for maintaining overall health and well-being. Here are some tips to help you develop healthy sleep habits: 4. Limit exposure to electronic devices before bed: The blue light emitted by electronic devices like smartphones, tablets, and computers can interfere with your sleep. Avoid using these devices for at least…

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Are Saunas Good For My Health?

    Saunas have been associated with various health benefits, although it’s important to note that individual experiences may vary. Here are some potential health benefits of saunas:   Improved cardiovascular health: Saunas can stimulate blood circulation and raise your heart rate, similar to mild exercise. This may lead to improved cardiovascular health and help…

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Mobility vs. Flexibility

Mobility and flexibility are similar but different in the perspectives of how it relates to movement. . Mobility refers to the ability of a joint or body part to move through its full range of motion with control and stability. In other words, mobility is the combination of flexibility and strength. Good mobility enables you…

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Bowel Retraining

Do you have trouble going number 2? It is not that uncommon for individuals to have trouble using the bathroom, but how does one aid in improving bowel movements? One has to retrain their bowels, but how?  The goal of bowel retraining is to return you to a normal and convenient pattern of defecation. People…

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Free The Hair!

I’m sure that you have heard of the gut microbiome.  Microscopic flora and fauna live in the intestines, and when they are in balance, they promote good health and overall immunity.  Believe it or not, our scalp is home to a microbiome of its own. According to a study in the Journal of the American College…

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How To Fix My Slouching?

You’ve probably either heard from others or experienced yourself that your shoulders are sitting forward followed by your neck; giving you this “hunchback” appearance. Though not always painful, spending too much time in a slouched position could cause one and/or each of the following:   Neck/shoulder pain secondary to postural changes Back pain Lightheadedness, dizziness…

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What is Schroth Method?

The Schroth Method is an evidence-based, therapeutic exercise treatment for Scoliosis, a spinal condition characterized by an S or C curvature of the spine in the coronal plane. Schroth has been validated to assist in Scoliosis curve reversal in children, either in concert with bracing or as a standalone treatment, depending on strict criteria. It…

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Is Knee Mobility Necessary?

For many of our daily tasks, a range from 0 degrees of knee extension to 120 degrees of flexion would be more than enough to complete them successfully. Nonetheless, I like to prepare the body to be ready for whatever life might throw our way. Imagine a wet surface that isn’t easily visible. We tend…

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