Cross Check CrossFit: Reducing CrossFit Injuries

From sprains and strains to more serious conditions like tendonitis and stress fractures, thepotential for injury is a concern for many CrossFit athletes. Fortunately, physical therapy canplay a pivotal role in reducing the risk of injuries and keeping CrossFit enthusiasts performing attheir best. In this blog, we’ll explore how physical therapy can help prevent injuries…

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The Power of Physical Therapy in Reducing Neck Pain

Neck pain is a prevalent and often debilitating condition that can affect each of us. From everyday strains caused by poor posture to more severe issues like herniated discs or arthritis, the neck is a delicate and vital part of the body. Physical therapy emerges as a holistic solution, addressing not just the symptoms but…

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How To Fix My Slouching?

You’ve probably either heard from others or experienced yourself that your shoulders are sitting forward followed by your neck; giving you this “hunchback” appearance. Though not always painful, spending too much time in a slouched position could cause one and/or each of the following:   Neck/shoulder pain secondary to postural changes Back pain Lightheadedness, dizziness…

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Is Knee Mobility Really Important?

The knee is a modified simple hinge joint, but it is far from simple. It is the largest joint in the human body and it connects the upper thigh to the lower leg allowing the lower leg to bend and extend. This is the simple part. What makes the knee more versatile is its rotational…

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Causes of Lower Back Pain

The lumbar spine is the most complex region of the body to treat; mainly due to the numerous possible causes of lower back pain. Due to the anatomy of the lumbar spine, stability is highly dependent on the soft tissue structures such as the muscles and ligaments to, not only protect the discs from becoming…

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